For many, it may seem like there’s only one way to finish high school… in person. Well with the rise in popularity of online-based schooling I want to discuss some of the benefits as well as drawbacks to finishing high school online. So let’s begin with the pros.

The Benefits

Number 1: Modular-Based Learning

Choosing to finish high school online has the benefit of being modular. It’s one of our biggest features here with Tenney School Live. We afford the ability for students to choose which classes they enroll in, and charge them based on the class versus a flat tuition. This means you can enroll as a full-time student or as a part-time student.

Number 2: Individualized Education

Another great benefit is the individualized aspect to our online learning program. With Tenney School Live, students meet with their teachers one-on-one in a live setting. Gone are the days of faceless classrooms with hundreds of students. Our program gives students the individualized care they deserve on their journey to complete high school.

Number 3: Affordable Private School Education

It’s no surprise that said:

Research has consistently shown that private school students tend to perform better on standardized tests. The National Assessment of Educational Progress, which is often referred to as “the nation’s report card,” assesses both public and private school students in subjects such as math, reading, science and writing. The most recent NAEP data shows what other research has found: Private school students score better in almost all subjects.

Private school teachers offer a more specialized education that students do not get at public schools. Unfortunately, this specialized education comes with a heavy price tag that many families cannot afford. Luckily, online private schools offer this unique learning experience at a fraction of the cost online! It’s a great opportunity to try out a private school experience without breaking the bank.

The Drawbacks

Number 1: Self-Motivation

Online high school does not hold your hand. It requires you to show each and every day on your own accord. This level of responsibility is difficult for many students and it’s easy to lose motivation if you lack the drive. Online schooling is perfect for students who are motivated to do the work and show up to class every day, ready to learn.

Number 2: Pre-Recorded Lessons

While Tenney School Live has all of it’s lessons live with the teacher, many other online schools choose to go a different route. They’ll instead choose to pre-record lectures for students which can leave the student disengaged. It adds the difficulty of not being able to ask questions in class as well. It’s important when considering an online high school, that you look for a program that teaches it’s students live!

Number 3: Accreditation

While our school is accredited, many online schools choose not too. This can be a cause for concern as accreditation is an important factor to consider when looking at the quality of the education at a given institution. Furthermore, if a online school is not accredited it means that they might lack the quality assurance necessary for a good educational environment.


What’s Right For You?

While this is not an exhaustive list of pros and cons regarding online high school, this is enough to get you asking questions. It’s important to choose the right format for you. Not every student learns well under an online learning environment, while many  students work better online. I recommend contacting us with any questions you may have about online learning. We’re more than happy to give you more information on our program and what students can expect!