High school math classes are some of the most important yet complex subjects taught in school. For many students, understanding these complex concepts comes down to the environment in which they learn. While some students thrive in a typical classroom setting with 20 other students, many others feel as though they ‘fall through the cracks’. But what does that mean exactly?

When a student feels as though the are being left behind or are pushing too far ahead, it becomes easier to disengage. This classroom environment actively works against students who prefer a class at their pace. This disengagement rears it’s head in the form of missing/late homework assignments, lack of studying, and in some extreme cases, school refusal. The important thing to note is that each student has a preference in which they like to learn. The more individualized an educational experience is, the better time a student will have. The reasoning for this is because an individualized class adapts to the student. Most classrooms with 10+ students struggle to cater towards each student fairly, which is why students can become disengaged.

What Are the Signs of Disengagement?

There are many signs to look for in a student when they become disengaged, but I’m going to cover some of the most common ones.

1. Loss in Motivation

This is easily the most common one for students. Almost all of us have lost our motivation in school at some point or another. The important sign to look for is consistent loss in motivation. If a student lacks motivation for longer than a month it could be a sign of disengagement.

2. Increase in Anxiety

Many students prior to becoming disengaged will develop severe anxiety for the subject they begin falling behind in. This anxiety can be present due to academic reasons or social reasons. For academic reasons, it may be because the class is moving too slow or too fast for them. Larger classrooms also exhibit an amount of social pressure that many students fear. This can also spawn anxiety in students and is often times the precursor to disengagement from the class entirely.

3. Tardiness

Tardiness can also indicate that a student is becoming disengaged at school. While there are plenty of valid reasons a student may be tardy throughout the year, excessive tardiness is penalized heavily at most schools. Students can quickly snowball as they gain tardies. It becomes easier for them to justify being late if they feel like the class doesn’t matter anymore.

4. Late Assignments

Late assignments can be another indication that a student may be disengaging from school. It’s generally not a cause for concern if a student turns in an assignment late every once in a while, but if it’s happening back-to-back it could mean something more. When a student begins falling behind, it becomes difficult for the student to catch up while also learning new content with the class. This can cause discouragement for the student and creates a ‘snowball-like’ effect making it harder to catch up.

5. School Refusal

This can be the most damaging out of the 5 signs that we have discussed. School refusal is generally the last sign and final straw for a student. By this point the student may exhibit one or more of the previously mentioned signs. It’s important at this stage to really listen to your student to understand why they refuse to go to school. Is it due to anxiety? Falling behind? Creating a conversation about it is necessary to understand why they feel the way they do so you can begin looking for solutions.

What Are the Solutions?

Now that we’ve discussed the signs of disengagement, it’s time to talk about the solutions. While it’s possible to prevent the signs, in some cases it’s representative of an incompatible learning environment! I briefly mentioned it previously, but fostering a positive conversation around why they are exhibiting these signs is a good way in understanding why the student is feeling the way they do. There’s always a reason behind why they are disengaging and it’s important to let them know that it’s okay to talk about it.

When talking to your students, be sure to digest what they’re saying and really try to understand it. It can be frustrating as a parent when a student is disengaging from school, but adding more pressure to them is almost always going to make things worse. Begin discussing and exploring alternative school options too! It’s fine to say that the current school environment isn’t working. That being said, let’s look at some solutions for students who are disengaged.

1. Smaller Learning Environment

The most common reason for disengagement stems from the size of the current school or classroom. Students can feel an immense amount of pressure from their peers or teachers in a larger setting. Students who are gifted, being bullied, or have school anxiety benefit the most from a smaller learning environment. Math classes specifically are some of the hardest for students due to how complex the class can get. Many students feel as though they are being left behind while the class moves on without them. Once again the smaller learning environment is a great solution for this anxiety. At Tenney School Live, we utilize a one-to-one learning approach for all of our core classes (including math). This makes a high school math class seem more approachable and enjoyable for the student and teacher alike!

2. High School Math Tutoring

A great alternative for students who enjoy their school but struggle in their high school math classes – tutoring is a great alternative! Tutors can create a great space for students to feel safe in developing their academic abilities. Tutors can even help students catch back up! Our tutors at Tenney Tutors are a great option if  you’re looking to get great one-on-one tutoring from professional private school teachers!

3. Online Learning

For students who are looking to try something completely new, online learning is great! Online learning gives students the ability to learn from the comfort of home while still achieving their high school graduation goals. Tenney School Live has a unique approach by instilling a one-to-one, private school-level education for students who prefer the online format. Every student has a preference in their learning environment and a great percentage of students thrive in an online learning environment!

Check Out Our Program!

I highly recommend checking out our Tenney School Live program! It’s the perfect individualized environment for students who are disengaged and feel like they would benefit from a one-to-one learning environment. Our high school math classes are all taught one-to-one and allow students to move at their own pace! If you’d like more information please submit an inquiry form and we’ll reach out to you to discuss how we’re the perfect fit!